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Master Program of Clinical Pharmacy held a 1st batch Basic Clinical Pharmacy Workshop

from 11-13 April 2019, which received 21 SKP from PD IAI DIY. In the first batch this time, participants came from various backgrounds from various parts of the country. In addition to the hospital pharmacists who were dominant as participants, pharmacists at the health center and academics institution also attended the event.

In the opening ceremony, the Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy UGM represented by the Vice Dean for Research, Community Service, Cooperation and Alumni, Dr. Endang Lukitaningsih, M.Sc., Apt., revealed that the Faculty appreciated the enthusiasm of the participants and the entire committee involved in this Workshop. Chairperson of the committee, Prof. Dr. Zullies Ikawati, Apt., also said that through this Workshop it was hoped that it could become a venue for sharing the experiences in clinical pharmacy services and sciences. read more

Research Method in Clinical and Intervention Studies

Faculty of Pharmacy of Universitas Gadjah Mada in collaboration with Senior Experten Service (SES) held a Guest Lecture on Wednesday (02/06). The event with the theme of Research Method in Clinical and Intervention Studies took a place in the Lecture Room IV, Faculty of Pharmacy of UGM. Prof. Dr. Gerhard Fortwengel, a professor in the field of Clinical Research and Epidemiology Medical University of Hanover Germany, was invited to be the speaker for this guest lecture. During this occasion, he conveyed the idea on the importance of a good research method and design study in order to develop scientific values of a health study. read more