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Specific Requirements of 2nd Period Student Admission for Odd Semester in Academic Year of 2019/2020 Master of Clinical Pharmacy Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy UGM

The requirements of 2nd period student admission of Master in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM 2019/2020 are as follows:

1. Applicant holds a bachelor degree in pharmacy with

  • GPA ≥ 2.76 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited A
  • GPA ≥ 3.00 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited B
  • GPA ≥ 3.50 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited C
2. Applicant has a Pharmacist degree from minimum accredited B university/ school and has GPA ≥ 3.00 / 4.00 (the certificate is uploaded in one file with the bachelor’s certificate)
3. Applicants holds scores of TOEFL/ AcEPT 450/ 250 and TPA/PAPS 500. If applicant don’t have that scores, the applicant requires attach their scholarship.
The procedure of academic test new student Master in clinical pharmacy of Faculty Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada 2019/2020
Each applicant required make an essay with topics in clinical pharmacy which the instruction are as follows:
1) Topics: Clinical pharmacy problems (related to a thesis on bachelor degree or next thesis on Master degree)
2) Written in Indonesia
3) 5 page Maximum (included reference)
4) The writing procedure: A4 paper; Arial Font 11; 1,5 space; top and left margin 4 cm; bottom and right margin 3 from edge of paper
5) Citation from other articles must include the author’s name and year of publication.

Example: Cemaran senyawa fenol di Sungai Cisadane mempunyai Indeks Individual (II), sebesar 810, berarti sangat membahayakan (Palupi dkk., 1992); Irving Sax, (1979), cit. Sanusi dkk., (1995), menjelaskan bahwa kadar fenol lebih besar dari 5 ppm dapat mempengaruhi kulit, mata dan liver. Turunan fenol sering ditemukan pula dalam limbah rumah tangga karena banyak digunakan untuk sanitasi (Betty dan Winiati, 1993).

6) Bibliography is arranged alphabetically. References in the article are indicated by the author’s last name, followed by the year. If the reference has more than one author must be written all then followed by years, may not be followed et al.

Thesis Proposal and Thesis Guide


The Pathway For Proposing Thesis Supervisor 


I . Pathway of Proposing the Examiner for Thesis Proposal

II.  Thesis Proposal Seminar

After Thesis Proposal Seminar, students are required to submit Soft file (PDF) Revised Thesis Proposal no more than 2 (months) after the Thesis Proposal Seminar (sent email to


I. Pathway of Proposing The Examiners for Thesis

II.  Close Thesis Defense read more

Specific Requirements of Student Admission for Odd Semester in Academic Year of 2019/2020 Master of Clinical Pharmacy Study Program Faculty of Pharmacy UGM

The requirements of student admission of Master in Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy UGM 2019/2020 are as follows:

1. Applicant holds a bachelor degree in pharmacy with

  • GPA ≥ 2.76 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited A
  • GPA ≥ 3.00 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited B
  • GPA ≥ 3.50 / 4.00 or equivalent if the bachelor program is accredited C
2. Applicant has a Pharmacist degree from minimum accredited B university/ school and has GPA ≥ 3.00 / 4.00 (the certificate is uploaded in one file with the bachelor’s certificate)
3. Applicants holds scores of TOEFL/ AcEPT 450/ 250 and TPA/PAPS 500. If applicant don’t have that scores, the applicant requires attach their scholarship.
The procedure of academic test new student Master in clinical pharmacy of Faculty Pharmacy Universitas Gadjah Mada 2019/2020
Each applicant required make an essay with topics in clinical pharmacy which the instruction are as follows:
1) Topics: Clinical pharmacy problems (related to a thesis on bachelor degree or next thesis on Master degree)
2) Written in Indonesia
3) 5 page Maximum (included reference)
4) The writing procedure: A4 paper; Arial Font 11; 1,5 space; top and left margin 4 cm; bottom and right margin 3 from edge of paper
5) Citation from other articles must include the author’s name and year of publication.

Example: Cemaran senyawa fenol di Sungai Cisadane mempunyai Indeks Individual (II), sebesar 810, berarti sangat membahayakan (Palupi dkk., 1992); Irving Sax, (1979), cit. Sanusi dkk., (1995), menjelaskan bahwa kadar fenol lebih besar dari 5 ppm dapat mempengaruhi kulit, mata dan liver. Turunan fenol sering ditemukan pula dalam limbah rumah tangga karena banyak digunakan untuk sanitasi (Betty dan Winiati, 1993).

6) Bibliography is arranged alphabetically. References in the article are indicated by the author’s last name, followed by the year. If the reference has more than one author must be written all then followed by years, may not be followed et al.