Vision, Mission, Objectives, and Educational Philosophy


The vision of Master of Clinical Pharmacy is to be a pioneer of master’s education in clinical pharmacy that is internationally recognized, excellent, leading, and professional in clinical pharmacy services based on ethics and moral culture of the nation

Mission of Study Program

The missions of Master of Clinical Pharmacy are to:

  1. To provide excellent, innovative, and effective master’s education in clinical pharmacy nationally and internationally.
  2. To conduct and advance education, research, and community service in line with advancements in science and technology in clinical pharmacy, while upholding ethics and morality, rooted in Pancasila, and serving the nation’s and humanity’s interests.

Program Educational Objective (PEO) 

The Program Educational Objectives is to produce clinical pharmacist graduates who are:

  1. Professional in services and education, based on research evidence and/or development of the latest sciences.
  2. Able to practice interprofessional collaboration with other health professionals or other workers involved in health services and have leadership qualification.
  3. Able to arrange approaches in solving various health problems nationally and globally, specifically in geriatric population, through evidence based.
  4. Able to pursue higher education formally or informally.

Educational Philosophy

The education philosophy of the study program includes the expectation about the graduates and educational methods. In brief, after completion of the study, our graduates are expected to have strong foundation in health science and will be practice-ready for team-based care. They will have the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to deliver patient-centered care as inter-professional team members and will contribute to the advancement of the profession of pharmacy. Through various educational strategies, students acquire a strong foundation in pharmaceutical and clinical science principles and possess the ability to integrate and apply learned information within our program and in inter-professional learning environments. They will experience transition from being a dependent learner to an active, self-directed lifelong learner. The education philosophy of the study program is in accordance with that in UGM inspired by Patrap Triloka a local wisdom originally introduced by Ki Hadjar Dewantoro, the Indonesia’s first Minister of Education. Patrap Triloka has the holistic meaning of a teacher as a person of authority who is able to be a role model, to motivate students, to support and guide the students, and to become a partner of learning to the students.