There were about 53 master and doctoral students of Faculty of Pharmacy celebrated their graduation ceremony on 24 October 2018 at Royal Ambarukmo Hotel. Among all those graduates, there were a number of 8 doctoral graduates, and 45 master graduates who were divided into 20 graduates concentrating in Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, 3 graduates concentrating in Pharmaceutical Management, and 22 graduates concentrating in Clinical Pharmacy.
Vice Dean for Academics and Student Affairs, Dr. rer.nat. Triana Hertiani, M.Si., Apt., extended her gratitude for all the graduates. She also reminded the graduates to continue working and to remain humble. She expected the knowledge obtained by all graduates would be beneficial for the wider community.
During this occasion, Fifteen Aprila. F who represented the graduates revealed her happiness and her gratitude to the lectures and the teaching staff of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM. The said doctoral graduate who managed to get a 3.95 GPA also said that the final result was not on how high the GPA was, but on what was obtained during the process. Apart from high values, ethics is also needed to interact with the wider community. “Knowledge must be accompanied by manners and a good attitude,” said Fifteen.
In addition, two other graduates also received the title of best graduates. They were Eva Rachmawati from Master Program of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology and Reza Rahmawati from the Master Program of Clinical Pharmacy who both managed to get a 4.0 GPA. The title of the fastest graduate successfully obtained by Dwi Larasati with a study period of 1 year 10 months.